Thursday, 29 November 2018

The Common Issues

What are the Common Issues in the Common Issues trial? Good question. You can find a working link to the pdf version on here, the online version on here, and just for good measure, I have uploaded the pdf version to Scribd here, so I can embed it below, here:

Bates v Post Office: Andrew Carpenter witness statement

Andrew Carpenter was one of three witnesses to give evidence on Day 11 of the trial - the last day of cross-examination of Post Office witnesses. You can read it here or embedded below.

For a write-up of the day, please have a read here.

Bates v Post Office: Brian Trotter Witness Statement

The last person to give evidence for the Post Office at the Common Issues trial was Brian Trotter from the Post Office. You can read his witness statement here, or below.

You can read the write up of the last day of Post Office evidence in court here.

Bates v Post Office: Michael Haworth Witness Statement

Witness statement from Michael Haworth, who gave evidence on the last day of cross-examination of Post Office witnesses in the Common Issues trial. You can read his witness statement here, or below.

You can read the write up of the last day of Post Office evidence in court here.