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The Royal Courts of Justice, home of the Appeal Court |
As well as the 61 cases being reviewed by the Criminal Cases Review Commission (39 of which were yesterday sent to the Court of Appeal), the Post Office has asked an external team of criminal lawyers to look into other cases which are not being reviewed by the CCRC.
In a statement responding to yesterday's decision by the CCRC to refer a record number of cases, the Post Office said:
"We will be looking carefully at the Commission’s decision when we have that information and continue to fulfil all their requirements of us.I have asked the Post Office to tell me:
We have also been doing all we can to ensure that, in the light of the findings in the Horizon judgment, further disclosure is provided as appropriate in other cases where Post Office acted as prosecutor, not just those reviewed by the CCRC. The CCRC’s reasoning will be applied to those cases, which are being reviewed by an external team of criminal lawyers."
- how many cases it is having reviewed by external lawyers,
- whether this relates to convictions only or includes prosecutions which did not end in convictions,
- the nature of the offences under review, and
- which firm of lawyers is doing the reviewing.
Here is the list of the #PostOffice39 - the 39 people whose criminal convictions will go to appeal, the largest in the CCRC's history:
Surname, Forename - Offence(s) - Date of Conviction - Court of Conviction
Ashraf, Kamran - Theft - 28/1/04 - South Western Mags’ Court
Barang, Jasvinder - Fraud 3/8/12 - Luton Mags’ Court
Brennan, Lisa - Theft - 4/9/03 - Liverpool Crown Court
Buffrey, Wendy - False accounting - 17/10/10 - Gloucester Crown Court
Burgess, Tim - False accounting - 12/8/11 - Teesside Crown Court
Capon, Barry - Theft and false accounting - 9/10/09 - Ipswich Crown Court
Clark, Nicolas - False accounting - 23/2/10 - Doncaster Crown Court
Cousins, Wendy - Theft - 5/5/09 - St Albans Crown Court
Darlington, Scott - False accounting - 22/2/10 - Chester Crown Court
Fell, Stanley - False accounting - 27/7/07 - Leicester Crown Court
Felstead, Tracy - Theft + false accounting - 2001 - Kingston-Upon-Thames CC
Gill, Kashmir - False accounting - June 2010 Oxford Crown Court
Graham, William - False accounting - 14/1/11 - Maidstone Crown Court
Hall, Alison - False accounting - 30/6/11 - Leeds Crown Court
Hamilton, Jo - False accounting - 2008 - Winchester Crown Court
Hedges, David - Theft and false accounting - 7/1/11 - Lincoln Crown Court
Henderson, Allison - False accounting - 15/12/10 - Norwich Crown Court
Holmes, Peter - False accounting - 22/12/09 -Newcastle-Upon-Tyne CC
Hussain, Neelam - Theft - 20/6/11 - Wolverhampton Crown Court
Hutchings, Lynette - False accounting - 30/7/12 - Portsmouth Crown Court
Ishaq, Khayyam - Theft - 7/3/13 - Bradford Crown Court
McDonald, Jackie - Theft and false accounting - 21/1/11 - Preston Crown Court
Misra, Seema - Theft and false accounting - 21/10/10 - Guildford CC
O’Connell, Dawn -False accounting - 12/9/08 - Harrow Crown Court
Owen, Damien - Theft - 7/12/11 - Mold Crown Court
Page, Carl - Theft - 1/1/07 - Stafford Crown Court
Parekh, Vijay - Theft - 8/11/1 - Harrow Crown Court
Patel, Vipinchandra - Fraud - 3/6/11 - Oxford Mags’ Court
Rasul, Mohammed - Theft - 20/6/07 Manchester (Minshull) Crown Court
Robinson, Della - False accounting - 30/11/12 - Manchester Crown Court
Rudkin, Susan - False accounting - 23/3/09 - Stafford Crown Court
Sayer, Siobhan - False accounting - 15/2/10 Norwich Crown Court
Shaheen, Rubbina- False accounting - 22/11/10 - Shrewsbury Crown Court
Skinner, Janet - False accounting - 5/1/07 - Kingston Upon Hull Crown Court
Thomas, Hughie (Noel) - False accounting - June 2006 - Caernarfon Crown Court
Thomson, Pauline - False accounting - 1/2/10 - Maidstone Crown Court
Trousdale, Christopher - False accounting - 8/3/04 Scarborough Mags’ Court
Ward, Gail - False accounting -15/10/07 - Bristol Crown Court
Wilson, Julian - False accounting - 15/6/09 - Worcester Crown Court
More on what happens now these cases have been referred.
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