Monday, 22 July 2019

Branch sales targets

Branch sales targets spreadsheet 2019/2020
An email arrives from a bemused branch Subpostmaster who has recently received the above spreadsheet from the Post Office.

He writes: "It shows my performance against targets set by the PO. I didn't know I had any targets, and even if I did achieve them I don't get a bonus. What is the point of this document?” he wonders. It arrived without a covering letter.

After being battered by a High Court judge in March for its treatment of Subpostmasters, Post Office executives were wheeled out to tell Subpostmasters things were going to change - head office would “listen, really listen”, “do better” and “improve communications.”

Maybe a spreadsheet of previously unheralded sales targets with no covering letter is a way of ushering in this new touchy-feely world.

“I notice”, says my correspondent, “the Post Office have given me a target to sell 5 Moneygrams this year. That may be hard to achieve as they took this service away from my office last year.”


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