Saturday, 24 November 2018

Bates v Post Office: Lead Claimant Witness Statements

All the witness statements for the lead claimants in the common issues (first) trial of the Bates and others v Post Office group litigation at the High Court Rolls Building, held in Nov/Dec 208 can be found below. Click on the links to go to Scrib'd which will allow you to download the documents.

Alan Bates' Witness Statement
Pamela Stubbs' Witness Statement
Mohammad Sabir's Witness Statement
Naushad Abdulla's Witness Statement
Liz Stockdale's Witness Statement
Louise Dar's Witness Statement

Or just read them embedded here website below:

Alan Bates:

Pam Stubbs:

Mohammad Sabir:

Bates v Post Office: Mohamm... by on Scribd

Naushad Abdulla:

Liz Stockdale:
Louise Dar: