Friday, 21 December 2018

A WHSmith Post Office manager writes: "they finally admit to a 'glitch' in the system"

I mentioned I was keen to keep this blog moving between trials and asked for anyone with an interesting take on this litigation to get in touch.

This little vignette is the recent experience of a manager who works at WHSmith in an embedded Post Office branch somewhere north of Manchester. Let's call this manager "Dave".

Dave is understandably keen to remain anonymous as he doesn't want to get sacked. He has been working with Horizon for more than 10 years. I have verified Dave's identity and am satisfied he works where he says he does.

"This happened three weeks ago after rolling a stock unit into a balancing period at 11.31am on the Wednesday.

At the end of day the stocks cash was declared. 63p short with holdings of £2955.55.

The cash was declared again on the Thursday.

No transactions were done on it.

Cash holdings remained the same at £2955.55.

Shortage of £149.54!

All the transactions from the rollover at 11.31am have disappeared.

It's now 3 weeks later and after 12 calls to the helpline and IT department they finally admit to a 'glitch' in the system.

I am still waiting on this being resolved.

My worry is I'm very experienced with Horizon and I am good at explaining what happened.  Can you imagine this happening to a less experienced SPMR????"